During my initial trysts with cooking, my family used to criticize my excess use of coriander leaves. I would generously use these leaves for garnishing even if it wasn't part of the original recipe :)
My cooking has improved over the years but I still retain my love for the lovely aromatic Coriander aka Cilantro fresh leaves! Here is the recipe for a fresh green chutney. Hope you enjoy them :)
Coriander Chutney
My Amma's recipe
The perfect side for a pasta or pizza! This express recipe transforms an ordinary bread to an extraordinary cheesy garlicky treat. I have to admit that this flavor packed cheesy bread is something you can't definitely say 'No' to. So what are you waiting for, line up the ingredients and switch on the oven :) Enjoy!
Garlic Cheese Bread
Recipe adapted from
Savory sweet life
A traditional & popular English cake, well fit for an afternoon cuppa! An afternoon tea in England is served in two stages. Firstly, a pot of tea is brought out. Then food makes a grand appearance on a triple cake stand with dainty sandwiches, soft scones & handmade miniature cakes and pastries.
For a bunch of gossiping friends, this would be a perfect plan to catch up with each other. Not much time to shuttle in and out of the kitchen. Everything can be prepared ahead and absolutely no stress involved. Indulge in pure gossip and delicious treats :D
Cherry & Almond Cake
Recipe adapted from 'Step by step baking' book by Caroline Bretherton
Mushrooms are low in calorie but high in nutritional value! They also add a unique taste and texture to our meals. In the busy lives that many of us lead, we surely tend to have certain nutritional deficiencies and mushrooms can definitely make up for some of them. I did not fancy mushroom few years ago but recently I have had close encounters with some gorgeous varieties. Some of these deserve to be tried and I am sure, would find a place in your favorites.
Chilli Mushroom