Thursday, 29 May 2014

Baby Shower Cake :D

My first take at a fondant covered celebration cake :) This special cake was baked for my bestie for her baby shower party... The cake was comparatively easy to bake & decorate. I had more trouble transferring the final piece to the venue added to the fact that I was travelling to India the very next day... early in the morning! 
Well! the cake was a hit and I got quite busy sharing the recipe and ideas for cake decoration at the party ;) I loved the whole experience and the cherry on the icing was that it was for my dear friend Nishima :D 

Baby Shower Cake

Recipe for Coffee & Chocolate cake {click here}
Tutorial for Fondant baby booties {click here} (found this on-line)
Also sharing a peek into the baby shower party :)

I had also baked a batch of chocolate cupcakes with Winnie the pooh themed fondant décor which were neatly packed in light blue boxes for guests to take home as party favors :D 

I found the videos on YouTube for fondant decoration very useful.
 Enjoy baking!

                                                                                        ♥ Thank You ♥

Monday, 12 May 2014

⌇ Chocolate Meringue Swirls ⌇

Just another day browsing the internet, I saw these swirly beauties and the next thing I was baking them! I have so many other goodies on my to-bake list and yet I had to bake these first :) I am not a fan of these though Nikhil liked them... I had to bake these as they looked absolutely gorgeous!!

Chocolate Meringue Swirls
Recipe adapted from Callmecupcake

Chocolate Meringue Swirls

Chocolate Meringue Swirls

Wednesday, 7 May 2014

Mutton Curry

From the land of spices and coconuts, yet another finger licking good curry! This is my first experiment with mutton and I have to say... I myself am impressed :) Nikhil used to keep requesting for mutton curry but I never really thought I could handle this meat. At-last for his sake I gave it a try and guess what?? I will be buying mutton again ;)
During our holidays, my mother-in-law prepared some very tasty curries and this happens to be one of them. Another to die-for curry of hers was crab roast....yum....hopefully that too gets posted on my blog soon :D
Meanwhile hoping you will definitely give this a try...

Mutton Curry
Recipe adapted from my Mom-in-law
Mutton Curry

Mutton Curry....spicy yet creamy

spice box

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